““La puta, la gran puta, la grandísima puta, la santurrona, la simoníaca, la inquisidora, la falsificadora, la asesina, la fea, la loca, la mala; la del Santo Oficio y el Índice de Libros Prohibidos; la de las Cruzadas y la noche de San Bartolomé; la que saqueó Constantinopla y bañó de sangre Jerusalén; la que exterminó a albigenses y a los veinte mil habitantes de Beziers; la que arrasó con las culturas indígenas de América; la que quemó a Segarelli en Parma, a Juan Hus en Constanza y a Giordano Bruno en Roma; la detractora de la
ciencia, la enemiga de la verdad, la adulteradora de la Historia; la perseguidora de judíos, la encendedora de hogueras, la quemadora de herejes y brujas...”
10 sculptures by artist Emilio Rangel for a new series of The Whore of Babylon. This special exhibition for Clandestina, is part of the selection the artist will present with the gallery during Feria Clandestina, Miami on December 2022.
Babylon the Great, also called the Whore of Babylon, makes reference to a symbolic female figure and place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation 17 as "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth".
The Whore of Babylon by Emilio Rangel
Inquiries: contact@clandestina.art
Average Size: 12 x 8 x 8 in | Average Weight:13 lb | Price: $3,000 with delivery to the US, Canada, and Mexico